Penyelenggara | : | Laboratory of Nusantara Philosophy Faculty of Philosophy Universitas Gadjah Mada |
Lokasi | : | Yogyakarta |
Kontak | : | +6281215232638 (Aini/Putri) |
Waktu | : | Saturday, 21 November 2020 |
Call For Papers
International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy
“Contribution of Philosophy and Local Wisdom in Building a New World Order in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era”
Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng.,D.Eng.,IPU, ASEAN Eng.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada
1. Mr. Pham Vinh Quang *
Ambasador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of The Socialist Republic pg Viet Na, to The Republic Indonesia
2. Prof. Dr. Zaid Bin Ahmad
Professor of Philosophy and Civilization Studies at the Department of Government and Civilization Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia.
3. Prof. M Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, Ph.D of Arts.
Professor of Philosophy at Faculty of Philosophy Universitas Gadjah Mada
4. Prof. Dr. Yang Seung-Yoon *
Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) South Korea
Rachmad Hidayat, Ph.D
Lecture at Faculty of Philosophy Universitas Gadjah Mada
Disciplines for papers :
Philosophy and Ideology
Science and Technology
Social Culture and Education
Submit Your Abstract through :
For registration:
Paper’s Guidelines
Conference Fee :
Presenter IDR 300.000
Non Presenter IDR 150.000
Account Number :1370017854205 (Bank Mandiri)
Account Name: Kusuma Putri
📌 Importance Dates :
Abstract Submision : Oktober 21st-28th 2020
Result Anounncement: Oktober, 31st 2020
Full paper submission : Oktober, 29th – November 19th 2020
Payment Deadline : November, 19th 2020
Conference and Paper Presentation
November, 21th 2020
08 AM-03 PM Jakarta Time
*All sessions will be conducted via Zoom Meeting
For further Inquiries, please contact
☎️ +6281215232638 (Aini/Putri)
*In Confirmation
* Payment is made after the candidate has passed the abstract
Advantages of this conference :
1. Participant will get a e-certificate
2. Paper will be published in the book chapter or proceeding
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